What have we been up to at Soap so far this year, I hear you ask? Well, we’ve been on a cocooning mission, ready to emerge as beautiful butterflies! We’re having a glow-up, darling.

We started the year strong with a work social to Par 59, Millenium Square in Bristol, for a few rounds of darts and mini golf. If you haven’t tried it, I’d definitely recommend it. The food and cocktails were great as well. They’re big portion sizes, so arrive hungry!

Another, probably more exciting thing we’ve been up to since the start of the year is our… drum roll, please… BCORP APPLICATION! We’ve been working with the BCorp BNOC (Big Name(s) On Campus) Andy Hawkins and Jude Segerlund at Business On Purpose in one of their BCorp bootcamp cohorts.

The whole process was great fun, and the community fully embraced and welcomed us. A hell of a lot of hard work, time, and passion has gone into our application. It’s been a really rewarding undertaking and something I think we’ll miss working on. But the people we’ve met and the connections we’ve developed within the BCorp community are lifelong friends now. It’s great to see so many businesses led by passionate individuals putting people, planet, and purpose first.

We’ve just completed our review call with the BCorp team and are waiting for their final decision. So, keep your fingers crossed for us!

Some exciting housekeeping things: we’ve moved offices, all the way across the car park and into the main building. It was time for Soap to expand, so we doubled our square footage and (more successfully than Donald) built a wall to have our own private meeting room.
In addition to expanding our floorspace, Soap’s team is expanding. We’ve hired two new staff members, Tamarin and Ellie, who have joined us as admin support and designer, respectively. We welcome them and hope they’ll be very happy on the team!

That leads me to tell you about our latest team social, which was attending the first official Bristol Pride event: the Drag Queen Bingo Boat Party! We proudly sponsored all three boat trips on June 29th and were lucky enough to go on one ourselves. The cruise up and down the harbour in the sunshine was filled with laughter, excitement and the thrill of bingo, all with a glamorous twist of being serenaded by the amazing drag queen TessDrive. Here is a picture of us on the boat.

This bring me on to tell you about our final update of 2024: a brand new website! We are working with Andrew and Tom at Arobase, who have done a fantastic job. The site is set to go live imminently, so, when it is, we’d love to know your thoughts and see if you love it as much as we do!

Sometimes, we get so swept up in our daily work, clients, and campaigns that it’s really fun to look back on the year and see all the fantastic things we’ve done!


Get in touch with one of our CREATIVE CAPTAINS today to discuss your next project!