In the era of digital dominance, the debate between printed literature and digital content rages on. While digital is undoubtedly convenient and prevalent, printed literature continues to hold its ground, offering unique advantages that make a compelling case for its lasting impact and greater ROI.

The Tangible Connection:

Printed literature, be it a well-designed brochure, a catalogue, or a beautifully bound book, offers a tangible connection with the reader. The physicality of print engages multiple senses, creating a more memorable and immersive experience. This tangible nature often results in a higher retention of information and a deeper emotional connection to the content, ultimately yielding a greater return on investment.

Superior Attention and Comprehension:

Studies have shown that readers tend to comprehend and retain information better when reading printed material. The absence of digital distractions, such as pop-up ads or the temptation to check social media, allows readers to focus entirely on the content. This enhanced attention span can be a significant factor in achieving the desired ROI for marketing materials or educational publications.

Printed’s Perceived Value:

Printed materials are often associated with a higher perceived value than digital counterparts. When clients or customers receive a well-crafted print piece, it conveys a sense of quality and professionalism. This perceived value can lead to a greater willingness to invest in products or services.

Niche Targeting and Personalisation:

Printed literature enables precise targeting and personalisation. Marketers can tailor content and design to specific demographics, allowing for a more customised approach. This personalised touch enhances engagement and often results in a higher ROI, as the content is more relevant to the reader.

While digital content undoubtedly has its merits, printed literature remains a powerful medium for achieving a greater return on investment. Its tangible nature, ability to captivate attention, and higher perceived value make it a valuable asset in marketing, education, and communication efforts. The key lies in striking a balance between the digital deign and the printed, utilising each to their strengths for a truly impactful ROI.


Here are some interesting stats on Print Media:

Direct Mail Stats:
Direct Mail is addressed advertising sent to a named person.

95% of direct mail is engaged with
70% of consumers say mail makes them feel more valued
45% of direct mail stays in households for a month or more
31% of direct mail leads to commercial actions, whether that’s purchasing, going online or visiting a store

Door Drop Stats:
Door Drops include a range of non-addressed communications, including flyers, leaflets and brochures.

80% of the UK’s top advertisers use door drops
75% of door drops are engaged with
65% of door drops are looked at as soon as they are received

Customer Mail Stats:
Customer Mail includes the letter you send to customers, donors, supporters or anyone you have a connection with.

99% engagement rate
71% of customers say they trust consumer mail
43% of customer mail drives commercial action

All stats are taken from Marketreach, Royal Mail

For more statistics and information check out this graphic from the Royal Mail

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