We’ve recently welcomed two new starters to the Soap Creative team, welcome Ellie and Tam! So we’ve now got an Ellie and an Ella, and a Tam and a Tom… This is going to be interesting shouting across the office. We sat down with Ellie to find out a bit more about her and her design background so far. Enjoy the interview!


Hi Ellie! Welcome to the team!

Hello! Thank you, it’s great to be here!

You’re our new Designer – What does that role entail day to day?

I work across a range of projects and help out the other designers where possible. From leaflets to banners and designing fun posters for Soaps clients. Keyboard shortcuts are also slowly becoming my best friend.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background – what brought you here to Soap?

I started my freelance career when I was at Uni studying Graphic Design and I did a lot of focus on illustration in my spare time, it was like my creative outlet. I was inspired to set up an Instagram account to share my work and was lucky enough that it grew quickly over the first few years; pulling in a lot of work,
support and even a few images of people getting my work tattooed!

After uni I bounced between a few internships in Bath and London, before settling at a job in Bath working on giftware and homewares. I was there for 6 and a half years, working with companies like Warner Bros and charities such as RSPB; illustrating, packaging, branding…a little bit of everything.

I then spent a lot of time searching for the right role and company, so I was happy when the role came up at Soap!

Are there any skills or areas of expertise that you’re particularly interested in improving or learning more about?

I’m interested in motion, I like seeing how other designers adapt a static design into something more engaging, it’s inspiring. I’m also always keen to develop my layout and branding skills.

Here on the blog we always ask new starters the same question, because everyone has a little design quirk they’re into, what is your favourite niche design ‘thing’?

I enjoy open briefs, it’s interesting to pick peoples brains and really push an idea and their expectations. You often get reined back in (unfortunately,) but it’s really fun to imagine what something could be and then still try to implement those elements in the final design.

What is your favourite thing about working at Soap (so far)?

The team have been very welcoming and extremely patient with all the questions I’ve thrown at them! Plus Tam has kindly showed me around Portishead Marina, pointing out great things that I need to do in my spare time!


Get in touch with one of our CREATIVE CAPTAINS today to discuss your next project!